Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chapter 12


Exercise 1 (update pending)

Exercise 2 (update pending)

Exercise 3 

Do you remember the Dialogues:


Answers to the questions:

1) هُدى
2) سناء
3) هُدى
4) سناء
5) سناء

Translation of the Arabic Text:
Who had spoken the following. Write the appropriate name below the  given numbers.

1. We are living in the house
neighboring to you. (Answer is -  Huda ) ( هُدى )

2. Now I have two neighbours of my age.
(Answer is -  Sanaa ) ( سناء )

3. I hope to see you.
(Answer is -  Huda ) ( هُدى )

4. This locality is peaceful and beautiful.
(Answer is -  Sanaa ) ( سناء )

5. I have a library with a lot  of books in it.
(Answer is -  Sanaa ) ( سناء )

6. Come let us introduce ourself to her.
(Answer is -  Laylaa) ( ليلى )

Exercise 4 (update pending)

Exercise 5

Arrange the sentences in proper order.

Exercise 6 

Form sentences based on the example.

قرأنا كل المجلات ما عدا مجلة - 1We read all the magazines except one magazine 

شاهدنا كل الحيوانات ما عدا الأسد - 2
We saw all the animals except the lion.
درسنا كل الكتب ما عدا كتاب الحساب - 3
We learned all books except the maths book.

فهمنا كل القصص ما عدا القصة. - 4
We understood all stories except one story.

اشترينا كل اللعب ما عدا العروسة - 5
We bought all the toys except the doll.

6 - لونا كل الصور ما عدا صورة
We colored all the pictures except a picture

شاهدنا كل المعروضات ما عدا الفساتين - 7
We saw all the exhibits except the frocks.

أحضرنا كل الفاكهة ما عدا التفاح - 8
We brought all the fruits except the apple.

Exercise 7 (update pending)

Exercise 8 (update pending)

Exercise 9 (update pending)

Exercise 10 (update pending)

Update of the pending exercises available on request.
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