Chapter 1: Meaning of the Arabic title :
Test of Generosity
Exercise 1 Paragraph 1
كان الناس ، يتكلمون.
Kaa-nan-naasu ya-tha-kalla-moon
People were talking
جلس ذات يوم ثلاثة رجال، يتكلمون عن كرماء العرب.
Jalasa zaatha yawmin salaasatha rijaal, ya-tha-kalla-moona a'n kuramaa al-arab.
On that day three men sat talking about the generosity of Arabs.
قال الرجل الأول: أكرم الناس عبد الله بن جعفر،
Qaalar-rajul al-awwal: Akramun-naasi Abdullah bin Jaa'far,
The first man said:Most generous of people is Abdullaah ibn Ja`far,
وقال الثاني: أكرم الناس عرّابة الأوس،
Wa qaalas-saani: Akramun-naasi Arraabah al-Aws,
The second said: Most generous of people is Arraabah al-Aws,
وقال الثالث: أكرم الناس قيس بن سعد.
Wa qaalas-saalisu: Akramun-naasi Qais bin Saad.
and the third said: Most generous of people is Qais bin Saad.
Exercise 1 Paragraph 2
اختلف الرجال الثلاثة،
The three men differed,
الأول يقول: عبد الله أكرم والثاني يقول: عرابة أكرم، والثالث يقول: قيس أكرم.
Al-awwalu yaqool: Abdullah Akram was-saani yaqool:Arraabah Akram,was-saalisu yaqool: Qais Akram.
the first saying: Abdullah is most generous, the second saying: Arraabah is most generous, The third saying:Qais is most generous.
سمع الناس صياح الرجال الثلاثة،
Samia'n-naasu siyaah ar-rijaal as-salaasah,
People heard the shouting of the three men,
فقالوا لهم: اذهبوا إلى أصحابكم، وامتحنونهم،
Faqaalu lahum: Izhaboo ilaa ashaabikum, wamthahinoo-hum,
So they said to them: Go to your persons, and test them,
ثم ارجعوا إلينا، وأخبرونا بما فعل أصحابكم، لنحكم بينكم
summarjioo ilainaa, wakhbaroonaa bimaa fa-a'-la as-haa-bikum, linahkuma bainakum
and then return to us, and inform us what your persons did, so we can judge between you.
Exercise 1 Paragraph 3
ذهب الرجل الأول إلى بيت عبد الله بن جعفر.
Zahaba ar-rajul al-awwalu ilaa baiti Abdullah bin Jaa'far.
The first man went to the house of Abdullah bin Ja'far.
وجده أمام البيت يستعد ليركب جمله، ويذهب إلى أرضه.
Wajadahu Amaamal baiti yasthaiddu
He found him in front of the house preparing to ride his camel, and go to his land.
قال الرجل لعبد الله: أنا ابن سبيل، ولا أهل لي،
Qaalar-rajulu li Abdullah: Anaa ibnu sabeel, walaa ahla lee,
The man said to Abdullah : I am a traveller and I don’t have a family.
قال عبد الله: اركب جملي هذا، وخذ ما في الحقيبة، وخذ السيف.
Qaala Abdullah : Irkab jamalee haazaa, wa khuz maa fil haqeebathi, wa khuz as-saif.
Abdullah said: Ride this camel, and take what is in the bag, and take the sword.
رجع الرجل إلى الخيمة.
Rajaa' ar-rajulu ilal-khaimah.
The man returned to the tent.
فتح الناس الحقيبة، فوجدوا ملابس كثيرة، وأربعة آلاف دينار، ورأوا السيف .
Fataha an-naasu al-haqeebatha, fa wajadoo malaabis kaseerah, wa arbaa'tha aalaaf deenaar, wa ra-a-oo as-saif.
People opened the bag, and found many clothes, and four thousand dinars, and saw the sword.
Exercise 1 Paragraph 4
ذهب الرجل الثاني إلى بيت قيس بن سعد.
Zahaba ar-rajul as-saanee ilaa baiti Qais bin Sa'ad.
The second man went to the house of Qais ibn Saad.
قال له الغلام: قيس نائم. ماذا تطلب؟
Qaala lahoo al-ghulaam: Qais naaim.Maazaa thathlubu?
The boy said to him: Qais is asleep. What do you want?
قال: أنا ابن سبيل ولا أهل لي،
Qaala: Ana ibnu sabeel walaa ahla lee.
He said: I am a traveller and I don’t have a family.
قال له الغلام: خذ هذا الكيس، فيه سبعمائة دينار.
Qaala lahoo al-ghulaam: Khuz haazaa al-kees, feehi saba'miatha deenaar.
The boy said to him: Take this bag, there are seven hundred dinars in it.
هى كل ما عند سيدي.
Hiya kullu maa inda saiyadee.
It is all my master has.
ثمّ أعطاه جملا وخادما.
Summa aa'thaahu jamalan wa khaadiman.
Then he gave him a camel and a servant.
شكر الرجل الغلام و ذهب.
Shakara ar-rajulu al-ghulaam wa zahaba.
The man thanked the boy and went.
استيقظ قيس، فأخبره الغلام بما فعل، فشكره.
Isthaiqaza Qaia, fa-akhbarahu al-ghulaam bimaa fa-a'-la, fa shakara.
Qais woke up and the boy told him what he did, and he thanked.
رجع الرجل إلى الناس يقود الجمل ويمشي خلفه الغلام.
Rajaa' ar-rajulu ilan-naasi yaqoodu al-jamal wa yamshee khalfahu al-ghulaam.
The man returned to the people riding the camel and the boy walking behind him.
Exercise 1 Paragraph 5
ذهب الرجل الثالث إلى بيت عرًابة، وجده أمام البيت .
Zahaba ar-rajulu as-saalisathu ilaa baiti Arrabah, wajadahu amaam al-bait.
The third man went to the house of Arraabah and found him in front of the house.
أصبح عرّابة أعمى، يستند إلى غلامين يقودانه إلى السوق .
Asbaha Arrabah aa'maa, yasthanidu ilaa ghulaamain yaqoodaanihi ilas-sooq.
He had became blind, with the support of on two young men he was being led to the market.
قال الرجل: يا عرًابة أنا ابن سبيل، ولا أهل لي.
Qaala ar-rajulu: Yaa Arraabah anaa ibnu sabeel, walaa ahla lee.
The man said: O Arrabah, I am a traveller and I don’t have a family.
قال عرّابة ، خذ هذين الغلامين، هما كل ما عندي ، ثم أخذ يتحسس الجدار، ليصل إلى السوق.
Qaala Arraabah,Khuz haazainil-ghulaamaini, Humaa kullu maa indee, Summa akhaza ya-tha-has-sa-su al-jidaar, li yasila ilas-sooq.
Arraabah said take these two boys, these two are all I have, and then he took support of the wall, to reach the market.
أخذ الرجل الغلامين، ورجع إلى الناس .
Akhaza ar-rajulu al-ghulaamain, wa rajaa' ilan-naas.
The man took the boys and went back to the people.
Exercise 1 Paragraph 6
اجتمع الناس حول الرجال الثلاثة.
Ijtamaa' an-naas hawlar-rijaal as-salaasah.
People gathered around the three men.
حكي الرجل الأول قصته، وحكي الرجل الثاني قصته، وحكى الرجل الثالث قصته.
hakee ar-rajul al-awwalu qissathahu, wa hakee ar-rajulu as-saanee qissatahu, wa hakee ar-rajulu as-saalisathu qissathahu.
The first man told his story, the second man told his story, and the third man told his story.
قال الناس: أصحابكم جميعا كرماء، وعرّابة أكرم الرجال، لأنه أعطى كل ما عنده.
Qaalan-naasu: Ashaabukum jameea'n kuramaa, wa Arraabah akramur-rijaal, li-annahu aa'thaa kullu maa indahoo.
People said: All of your persons are generous, and Arraabah is the most generous of men, because he gave all he had.
Exercise 2 - New Words
Lesson 1 meanings for words 1 to 8
Lesson 1 meanings for word 9 |
Lesson 1 meanings for words 10 to 12 |
Lesson 1 meanings for words 13 and 14
Lesson 1 meanings for words 15 to 17
Exercise 3.Match the following:
Lesson 1 Exercise 3 - Match the following |
Exercise 4.Questions and answers:
Lesson 1 Ex 4 - Answers to questions 1 and 2 |
Lesson 1 Ex 4 - Answers to questions 3 and 4
Lesson 1 Ex 4 - Answers to questions 3 and 4
Lesson 1 Ex 4 - Answers to questions 5 and 6 |
Exercise 5.Did you understand the story:
Lesson 1 Ex 5 - Answers to questions 1 and 2 |
Lesson 1 Ex 5 - Answers to questions 3 and 4
Exercise 6.Make sentences as in the example: كوّن جملاً كما في المثال
Lesson 1 Ex 6 - Example |
Lesson 1 Ex 6 - 1 |
Lesson 1 Ex 6 -2 |
Lesson 1 Ex 6 -3 |
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